Kids ‘n’ Cancer Chesterfield Marathon 2015

You can register for all the events (Full marathon, Half-marathon, Team relays & Fun run) as well as volunteer here too.
Full marathon – 26.2 miles (Enter Now)
Half marathon – 13.1 miles (Enter Now)
Team Relay – 26.2 miles team effort (Enter Now)
1st runner: 4.70 miles
2nd runner: 3.43 miles
3rd runner: 9.51 miles
4th runner 8.56 miles
Corporate Team Marathon – Get your office motivated (Enter Now)
Fun Run – 2 miles around Queen’s Park (Enter Now)
Volunteer Registration (Enter Now)

To make sure our local charities and community groups don’t miss out, we have started the Volunteer Share Scheme, so everyone can have a share of the money raised at the event.
This is how it works:
- 25% of all profits raised by the Marathon event will be put aside to share between local charities and community not-for-profit groups.
- For every volunteer an organisation puts forward to help out on the day, that organisation will receive one ‘share’.
- Once all the money raised by the Marathon is collected in, the allotted final amount will be split equally amongst the number of ‘shares’ that have been created by volunteers.
Register now via the volunteer registrations page or call Julie Harrington or Andrea Hooley on (01246) 269023