10k race report

We did it:-) Here we are after completing the Dronfield 10k. I am very proud, well done Tom, Connagh, Chris, Lucy, Helen and Kath.
Weather conditions were cool and fine with a breeze. The course ran through Dronfield Woodhouse and was a 3 lap affair consisting of running 1 small lap and then 2 big laps and finishing on the park near the scout hut. The route was undulating to say the least but extremely enjoyable. What a fantastic Sunday morning we all had, families included.
Congratulations to everyone who ran, especially those new to this distance. Excellent performances by everyone with some new p.b’s along the way.
3rd – 36:12 – Adam Taylor
19th – 39:22 – Tom Hindmarch
21st – 39:32 – Connagh Jacobi (1st U18)
445th – 53:32 – Chris Day
487th – 55:33 – Lucy Taylor (NEW P.B!) 4
90th – 55:54 – Helen Roy (NEW P.B!)
615th – 1:00:29 – Kath Hindmarch