I’m just injury prone. Fact or fiction?

prone to injury running coaching SheffieldI’m just injury prone. Fact or fiction?

By James Cameron BASRaT and Jenny Manners MCSP MSc I’m just injury prone” – A single phrase that is transferable and echoed all the way from elite sport to Sunday […]

X-mas bash

Christmas meal & drinks

Sprained Ankle? – Symptoms, Treatment & Rehab!

Sprained Ankles – Ouch! Ankle sprains are a common soft tissue injury not limited to those of us with sporting prowess! Having sprained my ankle myself several years ago I […]

Sciatica – to run or not to run!

‘Sciatica’ is a common term used to describe pain radiating from the buttock either along the outside or the back of the leg. It is known as ‘sciatica’ because it […]

Achillies Tendinosis

Resident physiotherapy expert Achilles Tendinopathy is the most common problem amongst runners with it accounting for between 6-17% of all running injuries. A quick google search reveals 101 ways to […]

Running technique and injury prevention

Running largely involves forwards and backwards movement of the arms and legs with the aim of creating forward motion. This forward movement requires a mechanical rotational ‘locking’ of the hip, […]

Introducing our new resident physiotherapy expert

Resident physiotherapy expert I have the pleasure of introducing you to Jenny Manners MCSP principle physiotherapist and our new resident physiotherapy expert. Jenny is a chartered physiotherapist – qualified 14 […]